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How do I configure LDAP authentication?

Citadel includes a module which accesses an external LDAP server and uses it for authentication, allowing Citadel to be used in environments that already employ LDAP for "single sign on."

We support the two most commonly deployed LDAP schemas:

You will need to know the following:

Configure LDAP authentication by running Citadel setup and following the prompts.

Important Note

Configuring the System Administrator for Citadel with the setup has some caveats! The name of the user depends on what your directory server contains:

Again, if you only use the "User Logon Name" or "Login" while you have a complete name entered in other fields, your account will be able to log in, but you will not be an administrator and you will not see the Administration menu.

We also have instructions for configuring Active Directory with Citadel in greater detail.

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